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Components for Adaptive Pages

Adaptive pages adapt their content specifically to the reader, the current time, the reader's software, etc. This creates pages that are better suited for certain readers and targets the information more precisely.

Dynamic Information

Using certain components like clock, you can insert dynamic information into your pages.

Display date and time.
Property Kind Description
FormatString(60) Display format (Documentation)  

Display time of the this page's most recent modification.
Property Kind Description
LabelString(30) Text Label 
FormatString(60) Display format (Documentation)  


Most important to create adaptive pages are the conditional components. Conditional components incorporate their content into the final page only if certain conditions are met. So for example, certain things may be displayed only at certain times, on certain dates, for certain languages, etc.

You can have any other component or layout inside a conditional clause. From one page view to the other conditions might change and display a different page to the user.

Conditional components can also have a negate property. This will insert the body of the conditional only if the condition is not met.

Suppress the contents unless browser and version match the specification.
Property Kind Description
BrowserString(60) Select Browser Type 
VersString(10) If specified, the browser must be at least this version to match.  
NegateCheckbox Check to negate the condition. 

Shows up only if a request comes from a certain top level domain.
Property Kind Description
LangString(60) Top level domain. 
NegateCheckbox Check to negate the condition. 

Shows up only if a certain user accesses the page. Note that this works only if your Web server does user authentication.
Property Kind Description
UserString(60)  User Name to check for. 
NegateCheckbox Check to negate the condition. 

The content shows up only if runs in debug mode. This basically means that only you and everybody else who maintains the Web site can read the content.
Property Kind Description


Random components display a certain part of the page on a random basis (e.g. an advertising banner). The randomimg component selects among several images on a random basis, and there is also a random component, which selects among several random parts (rpart) on a random basis. Each random part can contain arbitrary components.

The content shows up only if runs in debug mode. This basically means that only you and everybody else who maintains the Web site can read the content.
Property Kind Description

Random selects from several possibilities on a random basis. Random must contain several random parts (rpart components). One rpart is selected for display on a random basis.
Property Kind Description
AllCheckbox If all is true, all rparts are displayed for testing purpose. 

Random parts can be placed inside of Random only. Random selects a single random part on a random basis.
Property Kind Description
FreqString(10) Gives the frequency, how often this part is displayed. All frequencies are given in percent, so 50 means that this rpart is displayed on 50 percent of all page displays. Frequencies should add up to 100 percent. If they do not no rpart is selected for the missing percentages. 

Show one of several images on a random basis.
Property Kind Description
PrefixString(20) URL prefix for all the image names. 
ImgsString All image URL separated by commas. 
BorderInteger Border Width. 
AlignTop, Middle, Bottom, ... Alignment. 
HspaceInteger Space between image and text on left or right. 
VspaceInteger Space between image and text above or below. 

Language Handling

Using language handling components you can create multilanguage pages without creating distinct pages for each language.

Using condlanguage parts of the page can be displayed only for a certain language. If no language is selected using setlanguage, condlanguage uses the language of the requesting browser.

The current language is stored in the ff.s.lang variable. It is passed on to other pages using the URL, provided heitml links and forms are used.

The content of the condlanguage environment is shown only if the specified language is selected.
Property Kind Description

Creates a link that passes another language parameter to the target page. Normally finds out about the language automatically. However if you want to set a specific fixed target language use setlanguage.
Property Kind Description

This page was dynamically generated by the web application development tool RADpage of H.E.I. Try the AJAX Article (in German) on
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