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Database Display

heitml's database components are quite versatile. Some applications can be created using a single database component. Database components can also be configured to be part of a complex application. heitml features three basic components for database display. dbdisplay to display a set of database tuples, and dbscroller to perform a query and to display the results in a scrollable fashion. dbcontainer is used to display a single database record.

dbdisplay and dbscroller are rather similar, so most of the things we describe here apply to both of them. The tryout Web site contains various examples of dbdisplays and dbscrollers . It also contains a step by step instruction, how to put a dbdisplay on a page . Here we give some background information.


When a heitml page containing a dbdisplay component is called, the database is queried and the result is shown using the formatting options specified.

Note: dbscroller only queries the database the first time the page is displayed. All subsequent page displays show the data that was selected the first time. You may send it Messages in order to reselect the set of database records.

Sometimes it's necessary to supply data to the query (e.g. a keyword must be supplied to a search engine before it does any work). To allow this kind of operation, both components can be triggered by Messages. For example a search or query form can be used for this purpose.

Note 2: You must de-select the autoread checkbox to enable this operational mode. In that case, dbdisplay will show data only when triggered and the dbscroller will perform a database query only when triggered.

Layout Mechanisms

dbdisplay and dbscroller automatically put a dbformat or dbscrollformat component on the page. These format components are responsible for the layout. You can modify the formatting options (assuming you are using RADpage to edit your pages) by clicking on the highlighted component handles.

There are two possible ways to layout the database results, automatic formatting and user-defined formatting. Automatic formatting displays the database results in the form of a table. You can adjust various parameters of the table and the fields (i.e. select which fields to display, and their order). If this is not flexible enough, user-defined formatting gives you full flexibility see Repeaters.

Selecting Fields

Normally all fields of the relation(s) are selected and displayed. By selecting the dbdisplay or dbscroller component handle (assuming RADpage is active) and then clicking on fields, you are presented with a form that allows you to select which fields you want to display. After selecting these fields, the table is shown with component handles in the headline of the table. You can use these handles to edit properties of each field (e.g. the layout used for automatic formatting). You can also reorder fields by moving the field components.

Note 3: Using the All checkbox in dbformat or dbscrollformat, you can temporarily select all fields for debugging purposes.

Automatic Layout

The automatic layout is a table showing all selected fields. You can edit some attributes of the underlying HTML table by editing the dbformat or dbscrollformat tags. By clicking on field markers in the table headline (this works only if you have selected some fields) you can edit layout parameters for each field. You can give a title (used in the table headline), font properties (size, bold, italic, color), properties of the table cell (alignment, nowrap, width, bgcolor), and formatting options for the field content.

Querying the Database using Constraints

Initially all records of a database relation are shown, restricted only by the Number property that specifies the maximum number of records to be read from the database. In fact, this number has a very low default value of 3 in order to simplify the component editing in the first place.

You can add constraint components to your query to further restrict the set of database records shown. Every constraint added further restricts the resulting data set.

Tip: The first thing you should do is check the Showconstraints checkbox of the dbdisplay or dbscroller components. The constraints are then shown in your browser. So long as there are no constraints, you only see a small empty box.

To add a constraint: first select the dbdisplay or dbscroller component handle, and click on Constraints. This shows you a variety of possible constraint components. Here we are concerned with the dbconstrain component - all others are handled in ....

dbconstrain requests that a field has a certain content. You can select the field, then give a value and specify a relational operator. The "=" operator requests the field content to exactly match the value. Using "contains" the field must contain the value as a substring. Other operators like "<", ">", ... etc are possible, as well as the SQL "like" operator.

Finally, place the dbconstrain component on the page by clicking on the first handle of the dbdisplay or dbscroller component. The set of database records displayed is then restricted accordingly. Afterwards you can edit and delete the dbconstrain component just as any other component.


At this point you should be able to display database data on a Web page, by using a dbdisplay or dbscroller component. Many more applications are possible by using them as generic components (i.e. combining them with other components).


Main Components

Displays the result of a database query. Initially all records of a certain Relation are selected. The maximal number of records to be displayed is given in the Number parameter. It is set to 3 initially which is fine for debugging.

By clicking on constrain you can add constraints on the records selected. By clicking on fields you can select what fields should be selected. Using Join Relations you can create queries on multiple database relations.
Property Kind Description
RelationRelation Name Database Relation to be shown. 
NumberInteger Maximal number of records. 
ShowconstraintsCheckbox Show Constraints (for debugging). 
ShowsqlCheckbox Show SQL query (for debugging). 

Specifies the formatting of the dbdisplay results. There are two fundamental different ways to do that: automatic and user controlled. Using the show parameter you can switch the automatic formatting off and on.

Automatic formatting displays all fields in a table. You can specify some of the most common layout parameters of the HTML table. All selected fields are shown, but you can specify what fields to select from the database in the dbdisplay component. Make sure to display at least one database record to edit the display format.

To use User-defined formatting insert a repeatable layout into the dbformat. Then the repeatable layout is repeated for each selected database record. Then insert dfields into the repeatable layout to display various database fields.
Property Kind Description
Showyes,dbg,no Show the table yes,no,or only during debugging  
AllCheckbox Show all fields (regardless of field definitions) 
ShowtableCheckbox Show Result Table 
BgcolorString(60) Parameters of underlying table 

Displays the result of a database query. Initially all records of a certain Relation are selected. The maximal number of records display is given in the Number Parameter. It is set to 3 initially which is fine for debugging.

By clicking on constrain you can add constraints on the records selected. By clicking on fields you can select what fields should be selected. Using Join Relations you can create queries on multiple database relations.
Property Kind Description
RelationRelation Name Database Relation to be shown 
NumberInteger Maximal number of records 
AutoreadCheckbox Automatically execute a query 
ShowconstraintsCheckbox Show Constraints for debugging 
ShowsqlCheckbox Show SQL query (for debugging) 
MsgallowedString(60) Accepted messages. The enabled functions can be activated from the browser. 

Table Column Components used in automatic layout

Selects a database field from the database. If you use automatic formatting in dbformat you can also select formatting options.
Property Kind Description
NameString(20) Field Name 
AliasString(20) Rename field name in heitml (in case of name conflicts) 
WidthInteger % Formatting and width 
TitleString(20) Table headline of field 
SizeString(60) Font parameters 
BgcolorString(60) Table field parameters 
AlignLeft, Middle, Right  
ValignTop, Middle, Bottom  

Link to another component to handle the current record. dbselectlink must be used inside the automatic format of a dbdisplay or dbscroller. It adds a new column containing an HTML-link. When the link is clicked the component specified by receiver on the page specified by href gets a message. Typically this is a dbform or dbcontainer to display the record or another dbdisplay or dbscroller.
Property Kind Description
HrefString(60) Destination URL 
ActionString(60) Action to be performed by the receiver 
ReceiverString(60) Destination Component 
KeyString(20) Key field used to identify the record. Key can also be a comma separated list of key field names. Field names can be preceded by 'targetname=' id the receiver uses different key field names.  
TitleString(20) Title of the Link column 
WidthInteger % Width of the link column 
BgcolorString(60) Table field parameters 
AlignLeft, Middle, Right  
ValignTop, Middle, Bottom  
UrlparString(20) Parameters appended to the URL. (The ? part of the URL excluding the #). 

Inserts a column into the dbdisplay or dbscroller auto format table.
Property Kind Description
TitleString(20) Title of the Link column 
WidthInteger % Width of the link column 
BgcolorString(60) Table field parameters 
AlignLeft, Middle, Right  
ValignTop, Middle, Bottom  
NocompeditCheckbox Switch off markers inside 


This constraint compares a database field with a given constant.
Property Kind Description
FieldString(20) Field to be constraint. 
OpString(60) Comparison operator. 
ValueString(20) Value to compare with. 

This constraint compares a database field with a value entered into the query form.
Property Kind Description
FieldString(20) Field to be constraint 
OpString(60) Comparison operator 
FnameString(20) Fieldname in Queryform 

This option removes duplicate rows from the result set.

Adds an arbitrary SQL search constraint to the query.
Property Kind Description
SelectString  Add text to select clause  
RelationsString  Add text to from clause  
OrderString  Add text at end, i.e. an order clause  

Add (Join) another relation to the query.
Property Kind Description
RelationRelation Name Relation to join 
ShortnameString(15) Alias name 

This page was dynamically generated by the web application development tool RADpage of H.E.I. H.E.I. provides support, tools, and services like Webdesign in Mannheimm, the HTML/CSS 3D WebGL Animation Library taccgl, 3D Webdesign, and 3D Product Configurator (3D Produkt Konfigurator in German).

Selected blog articles : 3D Objects on HTML pages, CSS Transition Visibility, and CSS Transition Display.

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