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heitml Shopping Components

The heitml shopping components are a good starting point to build your own Internet shop. Central point of a shopping system is the basket component. It shows the current content of the shopping basket. Initially it comes up using a nice table layout. Inside the basketfld component is used to display fields of the current product. You can however flexibly adapt the layout to your needs by using RADpage to modify the layout and the basketfld components.

The second major part of a shopping system are components like productorder to put items into the shopping basket. Actually these components show links or buttons to add something to the shopping basket.

Third part is mailform somewhere on your site that submits an order and includes the current content of the basket into the email.

If you have an existing Web site presenting your products you can add a productorder component next to each product description. Add a new page with the shopping basket to show the users what they have collected so far and a mailform to finally send the orders to you.

Show the current content of the shopping basket. The basket comes up with a nice default table layout. You can however put in any other repeatable layout.

Shows a certain field of the current product.
Property Kind Description
NameString(60)  Field Name.  
FormatString(60)  Field Formatting.  

Creates a link to clear the shopping basket.

Productorder shows up like a normal link. You can put any text or images inside that act as a hot spot on the screen. If the link is clicked the designated product is added to the shopping basket.
Property Kind Description
PidString(10) Product Identification, must be a name or number that unambiguously identifies a Product.  
DescString Product Description Shown in the Shopping Basket.  
PriceReal Product Price.  
ShowifString(60) Show the link either always, when it is already in the basket, or when it is not in the basket. 
HrefString(60) Destination URL 
FragmentString(10) Section name (The # part of the URL without the #). 

Creates a link to remove a product from the shopping basket.
Property Kind Description
ShowifString(60) Show the link either always, when it is already in the basket, or when it is not in the basket. 
PidString(10) Product Identification, must be a name or number that unambiguously identifies a Product.  

Producttext shows text inside a link. If the link is pressed the designated product is added to the shopping basket. The text shown varies depending on how often the product is already in the basket.
Property Kind Description
PidString(10) Product Identification, must be a name or number that unambiguously identifies a Product.  
DescString Product Description Shown in the Shopping Basket.  
PriceReal Product Price.  
OnoutString Text to be shown when not in basket. 
OnoneString Text to be shown when one item in basket. 
OntwoString Text to be shown when two item in basket. 
OnthreeString Text to be shown when three items in basket. 
OnmoreString Text to be shown when more items in basket. 


In many other cases you might want to store your product descriptions in a database. During installation heitml already creates a product database that you might want to use. There is a demo maintenance application on or you can generate your own using the wizard. heitml offers components to include the shopping catalog into your Web pages. Using the catalog component a list of products can be selected and shown . With catalogproduct a single product can be presented in detail . Using catalogfld a field of the catalog database can be displayed. Using catalogimg an image of the product can be shown. catalog and catalogtext are used to create a link to insert the current product into the shopping basket.

Selects products from the database and displays them. Several search criteria can be given to select the products to be displayed and the sort order can be specified.

This environment is not intended to allow the end user to search the product database. See for that. Producttable is used for fixed pages displaying a preselected part of the product database.

Please put a repeatable layout inside producttable.
Property Kind Description
PidString  List of Product identifiers of all products to be shown. If empty all products are shown. % can be used as wildcard character.  
KindString  Kind of products to be shown. Several kinds can be given separated by commas. % can be used as wildcard character. 
DescrString  Description of products to be shown. Several Descriptions can be given separated by commas. % can be used as wildcard character. 
MinpriceReal  Minimal Price. Only more expensive products are shown. 
MaxpriceReal  Maximal Price. Only cheaper products are shown. 
OrderString(60)  Orders the result table based on the given field.  

Show a single product.
Property Kind Description
OidId Name of the component, usually catalogproduct1. 
PidString(15) Which product to show. Usually empty, if the product is selected by other means. 
MsgallowedString(60) Accepted messages. The enabled functions can be activated from the browser. 

Shows a certain field of the current product.
Property Kind Description
NameString(60)  Field Name.  
FormatString(60)  Field Formatting.  
DisplayurlString(60) If given a link to displayurl is created to display the product on a complete page.  

Shows a product image.
Property Kind Description
NameString(60)  Select Product Image.  
HeightInteger Image Size 
BorderInteger Border Size 
AltString Description 
AlignLeft, Middle, Right  Alignment of Image.  
DisplayurlString(60) If given a link to displayurl is created to display the product on a complete page. 

Catalogorder shows up like a normal link. You can put any text or images inside it that act as a hot spot on the screen. If the link is pressed the current product is added to the shopping basket.
Property Kind Description
ShowifString(60) Show the link either always, when it is already in the basket, or when it is not in the basket. 
HrefString(60) Destination URL 
FragmentString(10) Section name (The # part of the URL without the #). 

Catalogtext shows text inside a link. If the link is pressed the current product is added to the shopping basket. The text shown varies depending on how often the product is already in the basket.
Property Kind Description
OnoutString Text to be shown when not in basket. 
OnoneString Text to be shown when one item in basket. 
OntwoString Text to be shown when two item in basket. 
OnthreeString Text to be shown when three items in basket. 
OnmoreString Text to be shown when more items in basket. Use # to represent the actual number of products in basket. 

Creates a link to remove the current product from the shopping basket.
Property Kind Description
ShowifString(60) Show the link either always, when it is already in the basket, or when it is not in the basket. 

This page was dynamically generated by the web application development tool RADpage of H.E.I. H.E.I. provides support, tools, and services like Webdesign in Mannheimm, the HTML/CSS 3D WebGL Animation Library taccgl, 3D Webdesign, and 3D Product Configurator (3D Produkt Konfigurator in German).

Selected blog articles : 3D Objects on HTML pages, CSS Transition Visibility, and CSS Transition Display.

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    Database Display
    Database Search
    Record Display
    Database Update
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