indexRE, IndexCaseRE
Purpose: Looks for a regular expression pattern in a string. The pcre library is used for processing the regular expressions and the exact syntax and semantics is documented there. (1 2) The string and pattern parameter must be strings. The position parameter must be an integer. If position is not given, it defaults to 0. The IndexCaseRE() function works very similar but is not case sensitive. Return Values: Looks for regular expression pattern in string from the position denoted by position and returns the position where it starts. If the pattern is not contained within the string, null is returned. Example:
See Also: containsRE(), containsCaseRE(), substRE(), substallRE(). Selected blog articles : 3D Objects on HTML pages, CSS Transition Visibility, and CSS Transition Display. © 1996-2024 H.E.I. All Rights Reserved. |