ISP Debug Configurationheitml can run in debug or in production mode. Only the owner of a Web site should be allowed to view a Web site in debugging mode. In debugging mode heitml displays verbose error messages that are fine for debugging purposes but that also might reveal information that is not intended for normal users. Normally pages are served in production mode, unless the requesting browser
has debug permission. There are two ways to grant debug permission to a
user. If the user has a static IP address you can use the
heitmldebugIp the user has a dynamic IP only, a cookie is used to grant debug permission. Once a user opens RADpage (and correctly enters a password) a secret cookie is assigned. All subsequent accesses will be performed in debug mode. You need to specify a secret phrase using the heitmlsecret directive for this mechanism to work:
heitmlsecret "This should nobody know"The phrase is used to sign the cookie. Make sure that nobody can find out about this phrase. You can change it anytime, when nobody is using RADpage.
If there is an error while heitml works in production mode, a so called
debug file is generated. Users occasionally want to look at the debug
files generated to find out about bugs on their Web site that happened
while others were using the site. Use the heitmlDebugDir /home/demo/website/docroot/heitml2.1/debugInclude this directory into the customers Web site (usually into /heitml2.1/debug) so that the customer can view the debug files with a browser. You probably need to create the /heitml2.1/debug directory on the users Web site with write permissions for Apache. Make sure however that the debug directory can be accessed with a password only. You might also want to add a cron job to delete old debug files on a regular basis. Next |