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Configuration of RADpage

First of all heitml must be told where RADpage is installed, which is /usr/local/heitml/heitml2.1/control in this example.
  heitmlcompeditdir  /usr/local/heitml/heitml2.1/control
  heitmlCompeditpath /usr/local/heitml/heitml2.1/control:/usr/local/heitml/heitml2.1/lib
As you can see from the example, the directives are heitmlCompeditdir and heitmlCompeditpath. Furthermore, RADpage must also be in the heitmldebugpath.
  heitmlDebugPath      /usr/local/heitml/heitml2.1/debuginc
Please copy the initial Web site template from the heitml2.1/template directory into the clients docroot directory. This will also add the file heitml.hei that is needed to start RADpage. The file heitml.hei must be protected by a password:
  <files heitml.hei>
     Require user demo

Then copy the heitml2.1/try directory from the distribution into the heitml2.1 directory of the users Web site. This is the RADpage tutorial for the user to play with.

Then you need to map the heitml documentation on the users Web site. Do this using the following alias statements.

#  Make sure that try and debug are not aliased
   Alias /heitml2.1/try    /home/demo/website/docroot/heitml2.1/try
   Alias /heitml2.1/debug  /home/demo/website/docroot/heitml2.1/debug
#  but all other directories of the heitml2.1 subtree
   Alias /heitml2.1        /usr/local/heitml/heitml2.1

Finally, most customers need a protected part of their Web site to install some applications that are just used by themselves. We usually call this /admin. Copy the Web site template into /admin of the users Web site and add something like

<directory /home/demo/website/docroot/admin>
    # The admin directory must be protected
    Require user demo
    heitmlinclude layout

File Permissions of .hei Pages

The file permissions of .hei pages are critical. Obviously the customer must get read and write permission to all .hei pages. Since RADpage runs under the user id of the Web server user (that was specified by the user directive in httpd.conf) also the Web server user must get read and write permission to all .hei pages that should be edited with RADpage.

The easiest way to accomplish this is make all .hei files world read/writeable. User directories, however, should not be readable (or executable or writable) by others. To give the Web server access anyway, user directories should get the group of the Web server and should be group accessible. Note that no user should actually be a member of the Web server group.

chmod o-rwx /home/demo/website
chgrp apache /home/demo/website
chmod g+rx /home/demo/website

chmod go+rw /home/demo/website/docroot/*.hei

In addition configure your FTP daemon with a umask that allows world read/write.

This page was dynamically generated by the web application development tool RADpage of H.E.I. H.E.I. provides support, tools, and services like Webdesign in Mannheimm, the HTML/CSS 3D WebGL Animation Library taccgl, 3D Webdesign, and 3D Product ConfiguratorDemo (3D Produkt Konfigurator Demo in German).
© 1996-2024 H.E.I. All Rights Reserved.

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