Purpose: Make a new object that contains a field subset of an object. The object parameter must denote an object. The start and end parameters must be integers. If parameter end is not given, it defaults to the length of the object. If start or end are less than 0, they are set to 0. If start or end are greater than the length of the object, they are set to the length of the object. If start is greater than end, it is set to end. Return Values: Returns a new object containing all fields beginning with the field with index start and ending with the field with index end-1. The field with index start in the original object becomes field with index 0 of the resulting object, aso. If start is equal to end an empty object is returned. Example:
Tip: The substring() function does the same operation on strings. See Also: TuAppField(), TuAssField(), TuAssign(), TuDelField(), TuFieldSort(), TuInsField(), TuMerge(), TuName(), TuProject(), splitstring(), substring(). © 1996-2024 H.E.I. All Rights Reserved. |