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Format: localtime ( time )

Purpose: This function corrects for the main time zone and possible alternate (daylight savings) time zone for a time value. The time parameter must be an integer and is normally a value returned by caltime().

Return Values: Returns an object containing the broken down time. A broken down time object has the following fields:

secintegerseconds after the minute[0, 61]
minintegerminutes after the hour[0, 59]
hourintegerhour since midnight[0, 23]
mdayintegerday of the month[1, 31]
monintegermonths since January[0, 11]
wdayintegerdays since Sunday[0, 6]
ydayintegerdays since January 1[0, 365]
isdstintegerflag for alternate daylight savings time[0, 1, -1],
0=not in effect,
1=in effect,
-1=information not available


input:resulting output:
<? localtime(caltime())>(sec=43, min=11, hour=15, mday=22, mon=9, year=2024, wday=2, yday=295, isdst=0)
<? gmtime(caltime())>(sec=43, min=11, hour=15, mday=22, mon=9, year=2024, wday=2, yday=295, isdst=0)

See Also: caltime(), difftime(), gmtime(), mktime(), strftime(), strptime().

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