| |
default ( value, value, ... ) |
Evaluates the operands from left to right and returns
the first one which is defined and not null.
Return Values:
Returns null if all operands are null or not defined, otherwise the value
which is defined and not null.
In case you use operands that are not defined, you should not use a function call as operand, too. Instead, assign the result of the function call to a variable first and pass this variable to the default function.
input: | resulting output:
<? default (null,5,7)> | 5 |
<? default (null,ff.x.y.z,null) "Nn"> | null |
This page was dynamically generated by the
web application development tool RADpage
of H.E.I.
H.E.I. provides support, tools, and services like
Webdesign in Mannheimm,
the HTML/CSS 3D WebGL Animation Library taccgl,
3D Webdesign, and
3D Product Configurator
(3D Produkt Konfigurator in German).
Selected blog articles :
3D Objects on HTML pages,
CSS Transition Visibility, and
CSS Transition Display.
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